Wednesday, September 21, 2005

What else can go right and wrong?

Its been a busy couple of weeks. I have just got myself back in the swing of things at my new/old store. Its pretty much the same thing except when we count the money there are more comma's and I had gotten used to just seeing decimal places. Anyhow, the store is very busy. I don't think I have worked a day that was shorter than 12 hours and the 16 hour days aren't so seldom anymore. But it will not be long before everything is operating in order and my life will get easier and then they will come along and move me somewhere else to fix a different problem. Aside from the fact that I am tired and yet not counting sleep as important as I have in the past, work is great! I have a great team of managers that are very good communicators and as Josh can tell you from the 1 minute manager, that is the key.
Caryn is going back to school on Mon, Tues, and Weds nights. She is getting back into the routine of school again but of course it's a little different with two kids always wrapped around her feet. She did freak out one of her teachers because he is afraid of pregnant women.
The kids have been a little ill the last few weeks. It seems like our kids just randomly develop an allergy to milk. I am positive that it is allergy related but no one will join my side but at least everyones solution is the same. Dont give them milk. Noah is walking more and more each day. Which would be great to say if he was 11 months old but he is 14 months but still we are excited. Its pretty cute, we fix him twice as much food and bailey and caryn combined and he eats it all. he doesnt gain weight so either he is running it off in his crib at night or his metabolism is 30 times faster than the average etheopian. Side note, my mom said that when she was a child it was the starving children in china, when i was little it was the starving children in etheopia, and when my nephews were small it was the starving people in somalia. Thats who you ate your food for. Who is starving today? What do i tell my kids?
My car has a flat and needs new tires, I got a raise at work, the kids have been sick and we've been to the doctor twice in the last week and got perscriptions, my bonus is much larger, my bonus has been delayed a week, we find out what the baby is on friday. thats a good place to stop.

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